Priority to regular work . This applies of course for all disciplines and especially for a discipline like economics, which has many economic laws and concepts to know and which involves constantly dealing with economic facts, figures and knowledge of economic theory.
Need also to learn well and to master a core of knowledge is of key words, principles of economic analysis and major landmarks in the field of economic and social history.
Need to keep abreast of economic news and record the major economic trends, debates and contemporary issues and directions taken by the government (laws, decrees, study missions, etc.).. This gives meaning to the education received is a way to test their understanding of economic phenomena, to prepare for the exam ... and also just to get motivated.
Be able to handle different types of topics: text commentary or essay, without counting the questions of course.
The habit and the means to deal with an economic problem and without supporting text (since the test can be a text comment or a dissertation). This means being able to offer a structured plan with a subject of economic (eg unemployment, the performance of France for export, the consequences of the monetary policy of the ECB, etc.)..
Knowledge of an introduction, namely to build a plan with two or three parts and two or three sections ... and complete the work with a conclusion that reveals the value of the contribution made.
Training to treat (regularly) of current issues . The manual of this view will save considerable time ... for a very large number of issues are being addressed. We must therefore learn and "digest" the relevant knowledge and learn to rephrase.
Make a habit of time management : balancing the time between the different parts of an event (eg between the comment text and any questions of course) to read and quickly exploit the attached documents (read regularly of journal articles, such as economic alternatives , or the French magazine management is a big help) think aside time to read the copy ...
The habit of reading a business magazine regularly or management (eg Economic Alternatives , the new factory , etc..) or the business pages of a newspaper ( Le Monde , Les Echos , etc.).. This allows you to get used to rapidly exploit a document, to gradually build a culture specialist ... We must therefore develop the habit of frequenting the CDI or subscribe.
Technical events
Make sure you understand the concepts and principles underlying a technique or method before discussing the details of the calculations.
Increasingly, the proposed topics not permit the use of the calculator (the latter with the advanced memory functions, is indeed able to store lots of information, which does not put applicants in a situation equality and does not assess the candidate's personal knowledge). Suggested topics are now demanding much more written answers (eg, accounting, must be thoroughly familiar with the definitions and recognition criteria of the different accounting events: these are needed to prepare for the tests of accounting). Of skills in written communication and writing are required: it is asked to demonstrate and justify the answer.
Practise writing the comments requested in practical situations and not neglect them because the production of raw scores is not enough analysis and interpretation of the results rely heavily in the evaluation.
Make a lot of exercises applications : the memorization of knowledge has indeed repetition.
Council specific tests DSCG
It is important to practice the technique of cases and practical situations that can make use of multidisciplinary knowledge. While testing the DCG were disciplinary in nature, those of DSCG have a much more interdisciplinary aspect of synthesis is often favored.
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