General Tips
Periodically review (using memory cards or summaries provided at the end of the chapters). A concept or method is considered only if it has been seen and reviewed several times (5 to 6 times in a U.S. study). Given I'ampleur program must prevail review periods during the year.
Thoroughly familiar with the definition and meaning of terms used : in the corrections, we find that candidates do not master enough vocabulary and sometimes ignore the meaning of important terms.
Be a small repertoire of definitions (list of keywords with their definitions and possibly the English translation for the event DSCG 6).
Subject themselves to regular work and personnel from the manual : close reading, briefing notes achievement of personal synthesis containing the essential points (meet the definitions framed, use of boldface manual, summary tables) and organized by themes. Short sentences, use colors or stabylo to highlight the essential knowledge
Test your knowledge in public accounting with the 3300 online quiz Dunod of DCG , corrected and commented
Training from time to time under the conditions of the test : same duration and exercises on various parts of the program, to learn to manage time and to focus on the long term.
Create for yourself a list of questions (definitions, short exercises ...) As the course to check from time to time and knowledge to identify areas for review.
Training to the methodology of solving practical situations and case studies . This requires the acquisition of rational methods for the analysis of documents and handling (ie identify the documents, identify relevant information, may classify and store the items or the timing ...).
Learn to analyze the questioning of a subject test in identifying the exact meaning of words and phrases to clarify the meaning of the question, for example
Use history to be a good training base.
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