Some tips for preparing for the exam

Some tips for preparing for the exam

1. Getting in structuring: it is difficult to start all unusual for a business or belong to an unusual mode of the day for yourself or work. We are trying to postpone it for later. But then can not come.You should provide for a new business the time and spend it only on themselves and entreaties to torture, as first nothing will be obtained. And perhaps, after weeks of torment you include in the new regime of the day for you and begin to prepare for the exam.

2. Connection between the level of concern with the level of claims: To allay fears and anxiety before an exam, you need to seriously prepare for the exam over a long period of time. However, if you do not know much, but have a high level of aspiration associated with the receipt, you will have expressed concern and anxiety. To remove them, or should be well prepared, or reduce the level of claims associated with the receipt.

3. Understanding, not memorization: It is important to prepare for exams to understand the material under study, rather than memorize it mechanically. Mechanical memory belongs to the category of short-term, if you do not understand what you can do so quickly forgotten. Thus, the installation must be on memorization, but on the understanding, with the exception of some materials that require rote (historical dates, exceptions to the rules of spelling, etc.)

4. Exercises for rote: To improve the mechanical memorization of dates, numbers, symbols, etc.need to create vivid images of the association, and it is desirable that these images were non-standard and had a memorable relationship with the context.

5. It is not recommended to learn new material just before the test (one, two weeks): It can obscure the old material, make it difficult to recall. It is better for two weeks before the exam do repeat, confirming the studied material

6. The trial examination: should participate in at least two test exams, to adapt to the exam: the familiar, familiar environment, we spend less effort.

7. Rest before the exam: In two - three days before the exam is necessary to stop preparing for it - more fun, relax.

8. Physical training: In order to be in good shape intellectual, maintain my physical and mental health, need some exercise. Physical activity for each individual, but ten-minute warm-up exercises may be recommended to all as needed in between intellectual activity, namely:

  • circular movements of the head in order to relieve the tension from the cervical vertebrae;
  • massage of the cervical vertebrae, and in particular the 7th cervical vertebra;
  • torso, or "belly dance";
  • exercise "Vanka vstanka": lying on your back, lift and lower the legs over his head;
  • massage or full body.
  • These exercises and massage can remove mental and physical stress and regulate the right during the life energy qi, for which the necessary flexibility of the spine. Therefore, all these exercises in one way or another connected with the spine.

    9. The most comfortable position for employment , contributing to increased intellectual power - pose the student: his legs under him, or lotus posture false: the legs are crossed. Our usual posture when we are sitting on a chair and your feet hang over - not the most optimal for training. So, the closer your feet to the housing body, the more efficient our energy is distributed in intellectual activity.

    10. Advice on nutrition: Your meal should be rich in vitamins and micronutrients and calories to be as intellectual activity the body uses more energy than the exercise (meat, fish, cauliflower, chocolate, multivitamins - Yunikap etc., vitamin C)

    11. A certain dose of entertainment: do not miss the fun while preparing for the exam: Reward yourself for a successful week of training a day of rest and entertainment. Otherwise it may be fatigue, which can negate all your efforts in training. The main symptoms of fatigue : a bad mood, irritability, lack of interest, reduction of intellectual activity: poor analysis, synthesis, understanding, remembering, etc., and poor medical condition: illness, exacerbation of Chronicles.

    12. Not in conflict: conflict, quarrel, resentment take a part of the intellectual energy. This "luxury" can not afford. Need to forgive all his enemies, not necessarily at the same time to communicate with them.

    13. Do not waste time making cheat sheets: the knowledge that you learn, even if you consider them irrelevant to your future profession and enrich you, develop your ability to think, and secondly, that you have the cheat sheets on the exam increases your anxiety, which lowers the productivity of your intellectual activity in the third, you could lose everything if they show up.

    14. Unpredictable social change can suddenly deprive us of the amassed money, property and political power: But what we have learned is always ours, and this is the most reliable part. to contribute to the self, become professionals in their , so you will reap love neighbor and receive a guarantee of its usefulness for all twists of fate.

    15. If you're going to go to the exam with a large number of relatives and friends, keep in mind that this factor may increase the importance of the examination and admission (ie, the significance of the future), and prevent you from concentrating on the process of solution, ie be "here and now."

    16. Before an exam to get enough sleep, have breakfast, though not recommended for super-dense breakfast (sleepy), if there are some rituals that bring you success - to fulfill them. If excessively worried and tense - to do a physical workout, especially loosen up the spine or back massage and tune in to success.

    Come to the examination is desirable in the usual attire for you , which you yourself feel comfortable. It is undesirable to wear something new (redundant power inputs for adaptation)

    17. In order to remove unnecessary anxiety before the test and its accompanying symptoms associated with gastro-intestinal tract, you need to massage the point of 'divine composure. " It is located in the upper segment of the outer edge of the tibia (four fingers below the end of the patella on the right side). Identify it can be painful.

    18. To improve intelligence, accelerating the pace of thought, reaction rates, observation, it is desirable to improve memorization of dates massage "point-to-computer". This point is located on the back: spinous process III thoracic vertebra, and sometimes region II or thoracic spinous processes under IY thoracic vertebra. Point should be massaged in the morning, after washing, one and a half minutes with a toothbrush causing them to vegetable oil. Points lying on his back, rubbing a washcloth. The same manipulation doing is before bedtime. These points can be massaged as a single dose, if necessary, and within 2 months or more for medical purposes.

    19.Povedenie during the exam: Do not interfere, do not be angry, to abstract from the audience, not to hurry with the answers: the time is usually enough to everyone. You must choose an effective strategy for solving the test tasks, depending on your individual circumstances. If you overdo quickly, it's probably better for you to answer questions on those subjects, which are chosen profession have a high rate. If you have an inert nervous system, which manifests itself in the long rocking, turn - start with the easiest questions, then move on to difficult.

    20. At the exam as included in the present time, the future will think after the exam: Forget about your score. Enjoy the process of solving the test tasks. Remember that you will be assessed.Orientation for the future can reduce your productivity and success, as increases the anxiety and alarm. True, a little anxiety and anxiety should be, because they needed to mobilize the whole body, but should not go off scale, and on the feeling of fear and panic anxiety: a state is not conducive to sound decision-making.

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    Sheikha Mehra