The ability to manage your time - this is one of the most important skills. The sooner you learn how to do it, the better will be your learning process in the future. You've probably noticed that the best students (and often - student) - it's not necessarily the most intelligent, but as a rule, disciplined and able to organize their time. And often during my studies, especially in high school, learning should be much, but time is short. So if you can plan your time, then the mood will be better (from what you were buried under a pile leaning Affairs), and scores above. His plans better split into three types: long-term, short term and the next. And most importantly - buy a great diary, where you will record your plans. a) Long-term plans These are plans that you plan for a month or six months ahead. Note in diary vacation and holidays, as well as working days (if you're still working on). Next you need to fix the dates relating to the study (as soon as they become known): consultations, examinations, etc. And do not forget about entertainment: concerts, theater, etc. Now, set yourself deadlines for each case by doing the following: divide the big things into smaller, being allocated to the reserve (note that normally any case it takes longer than you think in the beginning).Then, for each case based on the due date, make a weekly schedule for its implementation. The result is a plan for your activities for the whole period. And it would be good to hang him to a prominent position (eg on the wall above the table), so as often as he was in front of your eyes. b) Short-term plans Do you already have a weekly plan. Now you have to plan out every week on days and hours. This is best done in a day of the week (eg Sunday) for the week ahead. How and when planning long-term affairs, you should make a plan strictly necessary to do (work, study, travel time) and install it for all the cases the timing of their implementation. This takes into account time of day at which you have the maximum performance (for each person is his), and allocate it for self-study. And remember: the best deal every day for an hour, than once a week, but the whole day. Lessons should start with more difficult subjects, leaving the lighter for you at the end of class. c) Future plans As in the preparation of short-term plans, the next case should be planned on a regular basis, every day (or night before or the morning - as you comfortably). Keep to-do list for the day. For convenience, you can separate the case of mandatory non-binding (for example, highlighting their different colors).
Very often it happens that during the investigation of an object appear extraneous thoughts, I want to get distracted and so on, especially when the subject is not the favorite. In this case, additional methods to concentrate, to make sure not to be distracted. You can advise the following.First, prepare a special place reserved for the study . There should be nothing more that could distract attention (eg, photos). Secondly, the position must be "collected" rather than "collapsed" . Better not to sit in an armchair, and solid stool. Third, you can turn a quiet background music , muffling other sounds that may distract you. For better absorption of the material requires an active approach. In the study of the subject, while reading the book stresses the importance of place, write them, outlines. Many of you have probably, in the study (usually - a foreign language) use cards with words. Very useful method. It can be used for all other subjects, writing, for example, the rules of the Russian language, physical laws, mathematical formulas, etc. Also verify that the degree of mastery of the material increases the group sessions. This method is also known STUDY (in English it is called a "survey, question, read, recite, review", or SQ3R, ie, "survey, question, read, paraphrase, repetition "). THE FIRST STEP - an overview of the material: viewing headers and scamper to represent the total content. SECOND STEP - for each subject (title) to formulate one question. THIRD STEP - read the text and in the course of reading to try to find answers to the questions.STEP FOUR - to answer these questions. The fifth and final step - to repeat the material (dwelling on the difficult places).
It is good to take the exam, you must learn a lot, remember. Therefore, storage - a key point. So, we must learn well and a lot to remember.
Here are a few methods for training the memory at all.
To remember, for example, telephone number 231-97-75, we can divide all the numbers into groups and each group come up with a simple association. For example: 23 - the age of his brother, 1977 - the year of birth sisters, 5 - a month of her birth. Instead of seven pieces of information was only three, and they belong to the family.
To remember the names of new acquaintances, you can use this method: to repeat the name aloud (for example, often referring to him by name).It is known that the auditory information is held in memory longer than the visual (though this is not true for all), so-to-remember telephone number that you see written, repeat it out loud several times.
Mnemonic method. To facilitate the memorization of a list of unrelated words give it a different structure and meaning. Everyone with children knows how to remember the order of the colors of the rainbow (for those who have not yet had children, said: "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits" - "Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Blue, Purple "). There are other examples. Astronomers remember the order of the planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) using such a phrase: "Sea Wolf tortured Young Jung, is quite unfortunate Utomi Teen", and mathematics - the digits of "pi" ( 3.14159265358979) the phrase "How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics" (or in Russian about, keeping a mnemonic rule, like this: "How I wish and wish to kick the devils after these stupid reports , suggestive heavy depression "). Here we use the number of letters in words.
The method of loci. First you need to go to his apartment (or another well-known place of you) in any particular order (for example, from the front door to the farthest point of the apartment) and number each piece of furniture that will meet you on the way. Remember this list. Since this is a well known place for you, it's not in the cellar. It can turn out up to twenty words. This is a basic, key words that you use to store absolutely any other words. Suppose you have something like "door hanger, closet," and remember you have a list of products that need to buy in the store: "butter, a package of potato bread." You do this: bind each item you need to remember the subject of a key list (a piece of furniture) and try this bright and colorful present. Butter smeared on the door, a package of potatoes, hanging on the rack, cabinet, packed scored bread, etc. And then you just have to remember this picturesque scene to remember the long (or not) a list of products. Studies have shown that this method is very effective. Offered to remember five lists of twenty subjects each. Those who used the method of loci, recalled nearly three times more items than those who did not use them.
Initially, that is not directly related to the subject and its study. This appearance of the written exam. Write neatly and without grammatical errors, clear and simple language. Although it is not the most important, but other things being equal it may improve assessment of your work compared to others.
If possible, try to approximate the conditions in preparation for the exam to those who will be during the exam. Ideally, if you will prepare in the same room and at the same table, where sit the exam. Help recall forgotten information on the exam can taste and smell. During the preparation of and during delivery, they must match. For example, you can eat chocolate (though simple enough to feel the smell), or chew gum. And for each subject to choose a certain gum taste (and smell). Mathematics - strawberry, chemistry - mint, etc. If you start the exam chewing gum, which is chewed in preparation, it will help you remember more. Incidentally, there are cases where teachers are not allowed to chew gum in the exams.If so, then you have come up with other sources of taste or smell it - sweets, perfumes, etc.
Some people, such methods are used not only in exams but also in the performance of its core operations to increase its productivity. One, people need to work during the coffee, the other - to listen to certain music, the third - to inhale scents of certain perfumes. Something for everyone helps their work better.
On examination it is best to go half-starved. After a hearty breakfast, you will want to sleep, and do not take the test.
Do not forget to take breaks. Work out an hour and a half, rest 10 minutes. If you are tired and want to sleep, it is best to do so. Needless to force yourself, the more benefit that still will not.
Start with easy questions, but difficult to leave afterwards.
Do not spend too much time on any one issue (except for a simpler time, just not enough).
Try to plan and calculate the time so that you have enough time for all the questions and left More on the final check. (This can be done in advance - it is commonly known as will issues the ticket and how much time is spent on training.)
Exams are afraid of everything. The first desire - to swallow sedatives. However, valerian, valokordin, not to mention the more serious drugs, not only to soothe the nerves. They inhibit all the processes in the body. At a time when the brain would have to run at maximum speed, it would be lazy to look for differences between the chaise and Chichikov's "The Overcoat" by Gogol. The result - complete peace of mind when disclosure of the failed points for the exam.
Remember - almost all in more or less worried about the exam. If a bit, it's a good thing - there is mobilization of the body, he is "ready". But if the emotion is strong, it's bad. You all will fly out of my head. In this case, you can use several methods to cope with stress.
First of all, you can scroll through the entire exam in his brain. Here you calm down, go into the audience, there you are at rest answer all questions. "Lived" this in mind, during this exam you will feel much calmer and more confident.
Secondly, learn more than is required, and longer than you think necessary. You must stay a certain reserve, which will help in the exam easier to remember stuff and feel more confident in myself.
Third, you can calm down directly in front of the audience. Stop Panic exciting conversations with friends and remember and reproduce in the brain something nice and quiet, not related to the exam. For example, you went to summer vacation in Egypt and there rode on camels and swam in the warm sea.
If you have forgotten something in the exam, try to remember it, using free association. Write down the first thing that comes to mind on this subject. These words will help you to extract and others, and eventually you will be able to extract from the brain to answer your question.
And remember:
- The biggest mistake of all applicants is that they try to solve all tasks. In fact, scoring system is organized so that it is better to solve the ideal half than all, but with the defects and blots.
- Of all the time allotted to the exam, half must remain on checking and rewriting.
- Draft - a very important document because it if the teacher will be hampered with the scoring, he will turn first to the draft.
- examiner - a person who does not have to hide their subjectivity. So it is worth to get rid of anything that would place it against you. Even if you say the right things, but the drawl and roll your eyes, the teacher will be difficult to impartially evaluate your knowledge.
- Applicant forgets that answer - it's not a monologue but a dialogue with the teacher. So it makes sense to listen carefully to the question and watch the reaction of the teacher.
- Ideal applicant one that his appearance does not disrupt the examination. If the teacher finds him just before the answer, the applicant may be written in the active one point.