Examination Of Maturity: Tips for Oral

Examination Of Maturity: Tips for Oral

  • And 'latest step examination of maturity but also the most feared because, alone before the commission, many factors come into play: the preparation, of course, but also the excitement and nervousness. Here's how to handle all of these factors.
  • The interview -but let's face it, it's a real question! - is the last hurdle the school leaving examination. It lasts an average of 40 minutes but may take less or if the committee is tired a lot more. As for other evidence, it is necessary to get to this stage shiny and refreshed. The first thing you will be asked to illustrate the path multidisciplinary agreed with your prof , and on which you have worked so far. Start with a topic that is familiar is a good starting point for everything to your advantage. Before starting the exposure, however, be useful to distribute to each Commissioner a map of your route so that your audience can better follow your speech. The essay will be completed in the traditional way or multimedia form and, in this case, you can sbizarrire. Usually a job with multimedia "special effects" always makes a good impression and give the Board the idea of having a person in front of the step with the times as well prepared. The argument at the center of the essay will be familiar to you as your name. You will have to reel off topics, dates and data very easily by giving the impression of being the most prepared person in the world. Remember that you are talking about a search for which you have worked for several weeks and that you should not have secrets.After the 'exposure of the dissertation and related questions of the Committee begin working on your questions free. But at this point you should have got familiar with the commissioners and, probably, you'll be more relaxed. The inquiry will continue on issues that the commissioners will choose the candidate that can present through a text to analyze and comment. In the vocational interview can also take place on practical experience at related studies . In the last phase of the interview is back on the written tests conducted in previous days. For this reason it is helpful to review the topics covered by the evidence, find the mistakes and know how to prove to correct. FAQ What if I can not answer a question? Better not bending over backwards and be sincere. A simple "on this subject are not very knowledgeable" answers may be better than many funambolesche. And if I ask a question we have not treated during the year? Keep calm and do this: the student may be made ​​only questions relating to Topics covered in class . How I dress? It is always better to be formal. Do not you know who you are presented and, if in doubt, it is best to avoid excesses. If you have any doubts, watch our video. What do I do? The examassesses your maturity, so you have to show that even in mature behavior. Explain out loud (yes, no yelling!), With making sure you greet everyone when you arrive and when you go away and, eventually, give a hand to all commissioners.

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Sheikha Mehra