Best Possible Exam Results - Ten Things to Do Before A Big Exam to Get Them

Best Possible Exam Results - Ten Things to Do Before A Big Exam to Get Them

What should be your strategies of working before any big test going to be held? Suppose before one day of the exam, to get good grades in the examination, although you are the best exam-taker, you will be looking for the extra effort that should be made to make a mark in the examination.

Following ten things should be kept in mind to achieve something special in the test.

The Day Before -

1. Review Key Points -- Notice the word Review -- You should revise all the main points of the syllabus because the day before the test is not considered to be the best for learning process. Even you have prepared all the syllabus of your exams, the revision will make your effort more polished.

2. Eat Well-balanced Meals -- You should not forget to eat your regular meals. You should not let your body and brain to get disturbed at the day of the examination. Provide it with all the essential nutrients to work at its best level.

3. Feed Your Ruminator -- Before going to sleep, your mind just ponders over things all the night that you do or see before 45 minutes of asleep. So, it is the best technique to think about the points you want to remember next day in the examination before the last sleep of the exam.

4. Envisioning Your Success -- And before going to sleep, just consider yourself successful in the examination. This procedure may be done every night and it will have a great difference at your performance in the examination.

5. Get A Good Night's Sleep -- You should take 7 to 8 hours sleep at comfort to give your best in the test.

The Day Of --

6. Eat Your Breakfast -- Take early breakfast, make your body cool and mind free from any anxiety or disturbance.

7. Do Light Exercise -- Do some little exercise that will help you to gather energy of your body and provide some more oxygen to your mind.

8. Do A Light Review -- Just take some quick look at your preparation notes one last time and make any checks you consider necessary.

9. Keep the Exam in Perspective -Make your mind relax and free of burden now. Just think that this is only a test and not an end of your life.

10. Breathe -- Many students forget to take breathe or they take very low breathes. You should breathe deeply. Your muscles will feel better in this way and you will be able to thing better at that time.

Keep in mind all of these points whenever you are going to take any big examination.

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Sheikha Mehra